Carolyn VandeWiele (WFHB-FM & WFHB-FM, IN)
2024-01-14 22:36:31 -0500
^\[\d\d\]\.? (.+) \/ \n?(.+) \(\d+[:;]\d\d[)}] (.+?)[\/"(](.+?) \( digitlines
['Jan Aldridge Clark', 'The Welcome Song', 'Anything But Ordinary', 'Jan Aldridge Clark JAC']
['Hills Herdman & Mangsen', 'At The Turning Of The Year', 'At The Turning Of The Year', 'Hand & Heart Music HHM-']
["Jennifer Cutting's Ocean Orchestra", "The Turning Year: A New Year's Toast", 'The Turning Year', 'SunSign Records SS-EP-']
['The Irish Rovers', 'Let The Toast Go Round', "Still Rovin'", 'Rover Records IRD-']
['Suede', "Here's To Life", 'Dangerous Mood', 'Self']
['Susan McKeown & Lindsey Horner', 'Auld Lang Syne', 'Through the Bitter Frost and Snow', 'Prime CD PCD-']
['Alan Matthews', 'Seasons Change', 'Seasons Change', 'Self']
['John MacLeod, Kate With Bryant & Morgan Morrison', 'Wintergrace', 'Wintergrace - single', 'Kate MacLeod']
['Kate Campbell', "Christ, It's Mighty Cold Outside", 'Damn Sure Blue', 'Large River']
['Sofia Talvik', 'Cold Cold Feet', 'When Winter Comes - A Christmas Album', 'Makaki Music MMSCD']
["Keb' Mo'", 'Cold Outside', 'Oklahoma', 'Concord Records CRE']
['Reid Jamieson', 'The Coldest Night Of The Year', "Songs For a Winter's Night", 'Self']
['April Verch & Cody Walters', 'Firewood', 'Passages And Partings', 'Slab Town Records SBT-ED-']
['Windborne', 'The Terror Time', 'Of Hard Times & Harmony', "Wand'ring Feet Records WF"]
['David Maloney', 'Weary World', "My Father's Shoulders", 'Pelican']
['David Mallet', 'Arthur', 'Inches & Miles, 1977-1980', 'Flying Fish']
['Davey O', 'A New Season', 'A New Season - single', 'Nov & Dec']
['Magpie', 'To Drive The Cold Winter Away', 'Last Month Of The Year - A Celebration Of The Solstice', 'Sliced Bread Records CD-S']
['Laurie Lewis & Tom Rozum', 'The Snowy Road', "Winter's Grace: Seasonal Songs", 'Signature Sounds']
['Ellen Kallet, Cindy, Epstein & Michael Cicone', 'Cold Is The Night', 'Angels in Daring', 'Overall Music OM-']
['Connie Kaldor', 'Warm Yourself', 'Gentle Of Heart', 'Coyote Productions OSCD']
['Gretchen Peters', 'Love That Makes A Cup Of Tea', 'Dancing With The Beast', 'Scarlet Letter']
['Pam Setser', 'Let Me Come In From The Cold', 'Now', 'Bell Buckle']
['Judy Collins & Jonas Fjeld', 'Frozen North', 'Winterstories', 'Wildflower Records/Cleopa']
['Ed Sweeney & Cathy Casper-Torch', "Auld Lang Syne'", 'A Sunday Drive', 'Ed Sweeney']
['Krista Detor', 'Hot Buttered Rum', 'The Silver Wood', 'Tightrope']